Thursday 9 July 2015

Split Rock Gallery

Just 15 km south of Laura you will find Split Rock but only if you keep your eyes peeled, know it's there and can read a small sign hanging off one rivet. There is an unattended office with an honesty box where tourists are supposed to put $5. After our walk we had lunch in the shade and out of curiosity I watched the people go past and only saw one person put $5 on behalf of his large family. 

The art starts after quite a grueling 15- 20 minute hike but the reward is worth it. It starts under this rock. 

This is one of the "tall spirits" in the highest gallery. These are different not only from the other characters but also unlike the figures we saw on the guided tour.

I'm sure this signifies.....the Sun?

One of the busier scenes.

Quite a few of the characters at Split rock were painted upside down. I didn't notice any at the other Gallery.

The area is littered with suitable surfaced but only a few were used. I wonder how they were chosen. This particular overhang looks like it's bleeding. Did that influence the ancient artists? (completely uninformed speculation)

We took many photo's but again I'll just give you a taste to encourage you to come and see them for yourself. 

These treasures are our Lascaux or Altamira. Civilized nations treasure their history and do their best to preserve it for future generations. If that is not enough incentive then consider how much revenue the Pyramids, Stonehenge and the aforementioned Caves bring their respective countries. If respected and managed properly Aboriginal culture could become a source of income not only for the local communities but for all Australia virtually forever.

On a technological note, the pictures I took on the way up were with my Samsung Galaxy5 and on the way down I used my 4 year old iPad. The iPad ones turned out better. Not conclusive so I'll have to do more tests but it is the opposite of what I expected.

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